Temperley Excavating has completed the following:
1. Water Main:
a. Completed water main tie-ins at Clay Street and Driver Street Intersections.
2. Street Excavation:
a. Completed street grading/preparation for curb & gutter installation.
Anticipated work to be completed for the weeks of September 19th and September 26th, 2022:
1. Augelli Concrete to be on-site Monday (9/19/22) to install stringline for curb and gutter installation for Clay, Driver, and E. North Streets.
2. Complete curb and gutter installation on Tuesday (9/20/22) for Clay, Driver, and E. North Streets
a. **All Residents will be required to stay off new curb and gutter for seven (7) days
3. Complete flatwork (driveways and sidewalks) on Tuesday or Wednesday
4. Begin final street grading/preparation for installation of hot mix asphalt on Clay, Driver, and E. North Streets
a. No date currently set for paving at this time.
5. Begin Landscaping on Clay, Driver, and E. North Streets.