June 4th - July 16th, 2024

Children in grades three and younger are invited to the Johnson Public Library Summer Reading Program! We'll incorporate reading with games, crafts, experiments, music, art, and more! Program times vary (see schedule below). Pre-schoolers must be supervised by an adult.
Questions: Please call 608-776-4171 or email Candi: [email protected]
June 4-Welcome to Camp JPL! Campout at the library! 3pm
June 6-A Blast From the Past! Celebrate our 125th year with 1890s games! 3pm
June 11-Adventures in Space! Go inside a giant planetarium! 3pm
June 13-DINO Adventures with paleontologist Scott Oberman! 4pm
June 17-Are We There Yet? Travel adventures with musician Stuart Stotts! 2pm
June 19-Adventures in the Great Outdoors! Learn 1st aid & more! 3pm
June 24-Campfire Cooking! S'more adventures! 3pm
June 26 -Magical Adventures! Comedian/Magician Jeff McMullen! 3:30pm
July 2-Circus Adventures! Fever River Puppeteers return! 3pm
July 16-Fishing Adventures with Genoa Fish Hatchery, Awards, & Pizza! 10:30am