Snow Removal

The City of Darlington would like to remind city residents of the laws/ordinances surrounding snow events. As always, we wish to thank you in advance for your voluntary assistance with helping to keep Darlington safe during the snowy months.

All public sidewalks need to be cleared of snow and ice within 24 hours following the winter weather event.
Do not push snow into the street.
If you live on a corner lot, please make sure pedestrians can access the sidewalk from the street.
Move your cars frequently so plows can clean up the streets.
Don’t forget about alternate side parking. If you happen to live on a street where alternate parking is not possible, make sure you move your vehicles at least once every 72 hours.
Do yourselves and the Fire Department a favor by making sure snow is not piled up around fire hydrants if you have one in your yard.
If you see a safety concern, please let us know. You can call the City Office at 776-4970 and they will alert the proper city employee to aid in resolving the problem.
Thank you & have a safe and healthy winter!!